Joe V.

Swaggy lil' Web3 Demo

Peep the skills I have in building Web3 applications by testing out some features I threw together.

Protected Content

Nice try. Sign in with ethereum first to see this content...

Sign in with Ethereum

SIWE is a secure way to sign in with Ethereum. This implementation uses NextAuthJS on the backend to verify your signature. Try it out to unlock the protected content!

What was used to build this?

Mint it, show it off

Displaying and minting NFTs is a common feature in Web3. Check out my NFT minting feature by minting a copy of my resume!

What was used to build this?


Resume NFT


Send Ethereum

Transfer Ethereum to any address. ENS support included.
Send some ETH to hone1er.eth!

Transfer Ethereum Securely

Show me the money! Sending money should be easy and secure. With Web3, you can send Ethereum to any address with just a few clicks.

Lens Protocol

Have you heard of Lens? It's a decentralized social network built on Web3.

Don't have a Lens profile yet? Create one now!




Full-stack Web3 developer with frontend focus


About the Developer

A driven builder and a cool dude

Love the freedom that crypto and web3 represents and the possibilities they bring. I'm always looking to learn and grow as a developer and a person.

If you have any questions or just want to chat, feel free to reach out!